Tuesday, December 6, 2011

XMas Gift Exchange

We had a lovely evening last night as our bee gathered for our annual Christmas party.  We each made a table runner or table mat for a gift exchange.  The rule was you bring one, you get one.  Unless it get's stolen.  Then you can choose another unopened gift or steal someone else's.

Ute went first and hers was stolen right away.
A pretty wool table runner.
 Don't get too attached to that pretty blue table runner with all the hand beading.... it'll get stolen!
Julie Blazek make this table runner with all the hand beading.

Here's one of the stealers! 

Barb Bee made this pretty traditional table runner.
 Oh yes, it will get stolen!
Enjoy it cause you won't have it long Leesa!

I made this twister table mat in Spring colors.

Pat Wright made this pretty floral skinny table runner.

Hold on to that one Barb!
 Mary Ann made the cute table mat - beaded sugar cookies and gingerbread men.  So cute!  
Beautiful wool mats and hand made XMas cards!  Oh I know these are going to be stolen...Drat!

A cute embroidery made by Sharon R.  -- it was stolen!
 Here are some completed projects from last year's signature block exchange.  I forgot these were "due".  I'll work on mine after the Christmas rush.
Yvette's quilt.

Dorothy M. made hers into 2 sets of curtains for her sewing room.

Pat Wright made her's into this sunny quilt.  So cheerful.

Thank you Mary Ann.  I ended up stealing it from Barb -  I love it!

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