Friday, May 1, 2009

Have you read a good book lately?

I went to my local library yesterday and couldn't find a book to read. (in the Fiction section) Isn’t that pitiful? They never have the Best Sellers listed where one can find the list, and if they did, all the books would be checked out anyway. I didn't want to take a chance (and waste my time) on some book off the shelf -- I'm always disappointed. So I walked over to the Non-Fiction area - I always find stuff there. After thumbing through the 20+ books on quilting from the 70's and 80's (the selection is just pathetic). I browsed the "New Books" cart and left with 6 books on topics from dog photography to pincushions.

One book I did find was “The Book Club Bible” by Lionel Shriver.
It is a listing of great books with summaries that don’t spoil the ending. There are about 100 book reviews, sorted into categories. Each title has a review, discussion questions, background information and suggested companion books. Categories include Top 10 American and British Classics, Top 10 World Classics, Top 10 quick reads, challenging reads, men’s books, humorous reads, non-fiction books, you get the idea. It gave me a list of great books to choose from.
We’ll have to resurrect the book club one day. Right now I’m just happy to find a good book to read.

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